This is just a bit of code demonstrating the ability to use Angular's inline filtering capability to format numbers depending on another piece of data. I had a scenario where the numbers passed to the view could represent numeric units or monetary units. In order to keep the code lean and reusable I chose the following method.
The three lines below reside in the directive template file.
Available: {{ (t.UnitType == "Dollars") ? (t.UnitsAvailable | currency:'$') : (t.UnitsAvailable | number:0) }}
Used: {{ (t.UnitType == "Dollars") ? (t.UnitsUsed | currency:"$") : (t.UnitsUsed | number:0) }}
Max: {{ (t.UnitType == "Dollars") ? (t.UnitValue | currency:"$") : (t.UnitValue | number:0) }}
This is the directive that handles it all.
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('liabilityItem', liabilityItem);
function liabilityItem() {
var directive = {
scope: {
t: '=itemData',
templateUrl: './liability-list.template.html',
link: link,
restrict: 'E'
return directive;
Lastly, this is the snippet of code from within the index file of the view. The 'tier' is an array of objects provided via controller.
ng-repeat="t in tier"